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Four days of crowdfunding

Four days of crowdfunding

Hello! Great, after 4 days of crowdfunding we already have over 1500,- € for the realization of the HyHandlers collected. Thank you very much! What is it about?

The HyHandler is a hygienic handling aid to prevent smear infections when operating doors or buttons. The files around the HyHandler we offer for free (e.g. Thingieverse). However, we ask for your support to be able to finance a low-cost serial version. for this we have a Crowdfunding campaign launched.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Hands stay clean longer in public life.
  • Washing hands less often or using disinfectant is easier on the skin and saves money.
  • The hands do not soften as they do when wearing gloves.
  • When closing the HyHandlers, all dirty contact surfaces inside the device disappear.
  • The HyHandler is lightweight, sturdy and fits in any pocket, and can be cleaned in the dishwasher.
HyHandler render
HyHandler render

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