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6 Weeken to crowdfunding campaign

In the meantime, a lot has happened again here in Karlsruhe and we are approaching the crowdfunding campaign in big steps and full of anticipation. Tomorrow in 6 weeks it will already be so far, hard to believe! While it is still a bit unusual for me to work full time for Liquidbeam, I am even more excited about the great progress:

As of today ELIAH a registered trademark. At LIQUIDBEAM it was already some days ago so far. At this point again a big thanks to Fabian as the name giver for ELIAH!

Since the end of August also the Liquidbeam GmbH entered in the commercial register and thus officially capable of doing business.

Currently we are preparing the final bills of materials for the price requests in order to have a product price for the campaign.

We are also finishing the last batch for marketing, especially a product presentation for download for other languages. On the picture you can see some pictograms which we have commissioned. These and other pictograms will better illustrate the unique selling points of ELIAH.

1 thought on “6 Wochen zur Crowdfunding-Kampagne”

  1. Crowdfunding can be a great financing alternative that should be used. In the past, this has already enabled some great projects to be realized.

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