Spring discount: -20%
ELIAH Heatdeck1TP9Lamp


Congratulations on your purchase of ELIAH. Here you will find product features, instructions as well as videos. 

We congratulate you on the purchase of ELIAH. Here you will find product features, instructions and videos.

Te felicitamos por la compra de ELIAH. Aquí encontrará características del producto, instrucciones y videos.

Nous vous félicitons pour l'achat d'ELIAH. Vous trouverez ici les caractéristiques du produit, les instructions et les vidéos.

Ci congratuliamo con te per l'acquisto di ELIAH. Qui troverai le caratteristiche del prodotto, le istruzioni e i video


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ELIAH configuration videos

ELIAH Menu Program Settings - Part 1

In this video you will find:

  • Number of programs
  • Focus value
  • Temperature offset and offset duration
  • Setting the programs

ELIAH Menu Program Settings - Part 2

In this video you will find:

  • Additional program hair dryer
  • Additional program temperature monitor

ELIAH Global settings menu

In this video you will find:

  • Maximum power consumption
  • Switch or button
  • Start selection
  • Light Timer
  • Open window detection
  • Slow increase of the illumination 
  • Expert switching
  • Menu lock

ELIAH Menu Timer Settings

Please note that the device must be connected via a changeover switch (normally closed) and must also be configured for pushbutton operation so that the "Timer settings" menu can be called up and timer functions can be used. In this video you will find:

  • Setting the day of the week and time
  • Focus value for timer functions
  • Enable/disable all timers
  • Delete all timers
  • Easy-Timer
  • Timer programming for groups (Mon.-Fri.), (Sat.-Sun.),(M0.-Sun.)
  • Timer programming for individual weekdays

ELIAH product presentation