We develop everyday things further to make your everyday life more pleasant and safer.

Our ELIAH heated ceiling lamp combines an LED ceiling light with a modern electric heater. The intuitive operation using a light switch is child’s play and practical. ELIAH is p Perfect for lighting and heating rooms up to 30 square meters as required and saving energy at the same time.
ELIAH, with a height of 11.5 centimeters, is no taller than an 11 watt LED bulb.
Thus, ELIAH always ensures a discreet appearance and also does not stand out in your home more than other ceiling lights.

About Liquidbeam GmbH
Liquidbeam GmbH is a company founded by engineers from Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg.
With meaningful innovations, we open up product niches and thus develop new markets for high-quality products.
Our focus is on combining state-of-the-art technology with simple and intuitive operation.
Trust is our basis
From person to person, that’s how we develop our products. Your one hundred percent satisfaction and the optimal implementation is our drive. In this way, we create products that bring you pleasure and comfort and which you will recommend with complete conviction.
Quality and sustainability
Good quality starts with planning. That is why we rely on high-quality and durable components, manageable processes and certified suppliers. We use it to produce durable and really sustainable products at an attractive price.

Design follows function
The optimal functionality of our products is always in the first place and yet we meet the requirement of aesthetics. An exciting journey, which challenges us again and again and discards already existing solutions. Our products prove that it’s worth it.
Clever and smart
Connectivity is important! But do we always want to whip out the cell phone or use voice control to control everything? We say no. Our first choice is intuitive operation of complex technologies for your convenience. Simple and usually faster.

Kostenlose Elektroheizung im Bad dank Balkonkraftwerk
Die ELIAH Wärmedeckenlampe ist eine intelligente Lösung für alle, die eine komfortable und energieeffiziente Heizoption für ihr Badezimmer suchen. In Kombination mit einem Balkonkraftwerk wird

Heizkosten sparen mit einer modernen Elektroheizung
Heizkosten sparen mit einer modernen Elektroheizung Das Thema Heizkosten beschäftigt in den vergangenen Monaten immer mehr Menschen. Denn schon beim kurzen Blick auf die Rechnung

Electric heating in the bathroom – all technologies at a glance
Electric heating in the bathroom – all technologies at a glance Who does not know that? You are late, jump out of the warm bed

Fernsehbeitrag bei Bauen & Wohnen
Das Fernseh-Team und die Heizung an der Decke Unsere Wärmedeckenlampe ELIAH hat es ins Fernsehen geschafft. Denn jeder kennt es. Der morgendliche Gang ins kalte

Elektroheizung im Badezimmer – alle Technologien von Infrarotheizung bis Heizlüfter im Überblick
Elektroheizung im Badezimmer – alle Technologien von Infrarotheizung bis Heizlüfter im Überblick Wer kennt das nicht? Sie sind spät dran, hüpfen aus dem warmen Bett

Saubere Hände auch im Urlaub
Ob Kurztrip nach Venedig oder Florenz, AMIRA ist immer mit dabei und hält Ihre Hände auch lange nach dem Händewaschen sauber.
ELIAH - the light-heat combination
Modern LED light
Modern LEDs ensure a high color rendering index of over 90 (typ.: 92) and thus natural color reproduction and pleasant contrasts. The brightness of the LEDs can be set individually for each scene between 1% and 100% brightness.
precise heating function
Whether 800 watts, 1200 watts or 2000 watts ELIAH always quickly ensures the optimal room temperature. The circulation of the indoor air is quiet and powerful thanks to a digital motor. This guarantees your desired temperature in just a few minutes.