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Is the therapy room too cold?

Time for a modern heated ceiling lamp that creates a feel-good warmth in seconds.

Is your therapy room not warm enough in your physiotherapy practice? Then your heating is either too slow or insufficient. This is why patients are sometimes in a bad mood and do not feel really well. It doesn’t have to be, because there are thermal ceiling lamps – like our ELIAH. A heated ceiling lamp immediately provides cozy warmth and always makes the couch and patient cozy and warm. Installation costs are also low because only the lamp needs to be changed. Upgrade now!

Our explanatory film using the bathroom as an example – but also great for therapy rooms!

We guarantee satisfaction and therefore you will get your moneyback if you are not satisfied. Up to 100 days!

ELIAH heated ceiling lamp in therapy room

You can now look forward to instant warmth for your therapy room.

Do your patients often freeze during an application? Would you like it to be a little warmer during use and an advantage during therapy thanks to immediate heat where it is needed? Our ELIAH heated ceiling lamp integrates a complete electric heating system into a high-quality LED ceiling light. Experience light for every application and quick, cozy warmth for you and your patients. ELIAH uses the infrastructure of the ceiling light and is operated at the existing light switch.

It’s that easy to heat in the future.

See for yourself in our infographic using the bathroom as an example:

Heat lamp ELIAH all at once explained
Light off in bathroom
Pleasant feel-good LED light
Explanation graphic switch position 2 heated ceiling lamp
Quite simply dimmable

Press the light switch to discover all 3 modes.

Light and heating in one device

ELIAH is mounted on the ceiling where your old ceiling lamp hangs now. It’s that easy to add a comfort heating function to your room.

Operation by means of existing light switch is convenient, fast and simple. This remains as it is, no rebuilding is necessary. The intelligent system in ELIAH responds to the existing light switch and conveniently activates the desired mode:

  1. Well-being light,
  2. Well-being light + heat and the
  3. dimmed relaxation bath mode

Time to upgrade to instant heat technology!

ELIAH heated ceiling lamp

Well-being warmth upgrade

The Intelligent System in ELIAH heats faster than water-bearing and infrared heaters and can be integrated into every room to save space. Powerful and self-regulating fan quickly distributes the warm air in the room. Enjoy the warmth and look forward to it again!

Order your feel-good heat upgrade today and test us without obligation thanks to the 100-day money-back guarantee.

Physiotherapy application with heated ceiling light

Relaxed 100 days money back guarantee

Thanks to ELIAH, you get a always nice and warm therapy room. But if you are not satisfied, which has not happened yet, you can return your device to us within 100 days and get your money back.

Made in Germany

Save energy: Made in Germany

A heat lamp for ceiling is the smart and energy saving solution, when heating is needed in addition to lighting. ELIAH therefore complies with the Ecodesign Directive for individual room heaters (to be read under Verordnung (EU) 2015/1188). Because of our high standards, we build ELIAH in Germany. Therefore, we can vouch for our quality and say: ELIAH is 100% tested, safe and reliable!

ELIAH, the new heated ceiling lamp for therapy rooms, bathrooms and much more

ELIAH heated ceiling lamp


All the facts at a glance. We meet all EU standards and much more.

ELIAH logos and awards

Also available from strong partners

If you do not want to buy directly from us – the manufacturer of the innovative ELIAH heat lamp, you can buy from one of our great partners.